Company time control software with different stores
The company C.C., with more than 7 stores and the headquarters, decided to implement a system of control of schedules and management of human resources.
How did the company manage human resources?
As we see in many of our clients, C.C. I used the tools at my disposal to be able to keep track of schedules, vacations, permits, sick leave, etc.
One of the things that caught our attention the most was the management system for controlling employee vacations, The person responsible for human resources used a paper calendar for each of the stores, and more than 7 colored markers to manage vacations, where each worker represented a color.
The person in charge also had to make the daily round of calls to each store, to find out the status and write down any possible incidents.
Presentation of the Etempus human resources management application.
We made the presentation of the ETEMPUS application to the responsible person, immediately the presentation became a dynamic chat of questions and answers due to the interest generated.
During the presentation, the person in charge could see how she would save time in all the management of the workers, the management being much more efficient.
Benefits of the HR application
Etempus’ cloud-based software system allows you to control and manage employee schedules from a central location.
The schedule control system has allowed C.C. improve communication between its 7 stores by allowing employee schedules to be shared, updated and controlled from a single central location.
Significantly reducing the time used in management and eliminating the errors that were generated in the programming of vacations, permits, etc. thus achieving the objective of managing accurately and efficiently.
Testimony of the head of human resources
Olga, the human resources manager, whom we want to thank for her contributions, tells us that by using 5 minutes a day, she has knowledge of the status of the personnel in all the stores and in the central offices.
Based on the reports generated by the application, it has the necessary knowledge to be able to keep the markings of the workers up to date:
- List of workers who have not started the day
- Registration of the markings of the previous day
Continuous improvements to the Etempus app
As we have said, Olga has made us interesting contributions to improve the application. Etempus is a human resources management application that is constantly growing, based on the ideas provided by our clients.
Among some of the contributions, Olga suggested us to add a news section in the application, we picked up her idea and developed it, currently you can schedule news in the application to be able to send it to all workers, to a department of the company or to just one employee.